P e r s o n a l B l o g/T w i t t e r . : : . W r i t i n g B l o g/T w i t t e r

2010 Wrap-Up

Okay, so at the beginning of the year I was really optimistic and set myself a bunch of goals to achieve.  Now, I didn't achieve all of them, but they served to really help me light a fire under my butt and think about doing things.  So without further ado, here's the goals!

Random Goals

Eat more fresh produce - Apples are my new favorite go to snack item.  I pretty much fail at fresh vegetables.  I'm not really excited about cooking, so I stretch stuff out as long as I can make it last so I have to cook less.  But, I do think about eating vegetables and fresh stuff more than I have before.

Do something daily - I fluctuate on this A. Lot.  I've been fairly good about using my Wii Fit, and during the summer I started taking bellydance classes.  I didn't in the fall because there was just too much going on to juggle all of it, but I'll be picking it up at least once a week next weekend for a while at least.  I really hate exercising; I have to convince myself to do it every single time.

Go to a parade - Yeah, didn't happen.  There was talk of going to one, I was going to go, and then I can't remember what stopped me, but I couldn't get there.  I was bummed - and then I didn't even think of it again, so newp, this didn't happen!

Get a family photograph - Didn't happen.  I think my dad is against this.

Organize and cull closet - DONE!  I culled way over 10% of the stuff in my closet and organized it.  Now, I just need to organize everything else that's in there.....

Writing Goals

2010 NaNoWriMo - I kicked NaNoWriMo's butt in 2010!

The Barking Dog - I had several goals surrounding this project, but early this year I decided that it just wasn't worth messing with anymore and I let it go.  Maybe at another date I will return to it, but not in the immediate future.

Research for another project - I've done a lot of research....

Outline for my Graphic Novel idea - It's outlined....

Outline for Love Unexpected - Also outlined....

Write something I believe in - I've written a lot of stuff this year.....  I don't remember what I meant by this.

Complete another draft of a story - any of my ideas or something else - I've finished several first drafts.  I thought I only had a few stories in me at the start of the year, and now I'm juggling how I'll manage all my revisions and writing.

Reading Goals

Read at least two writing books - Yup!

Read all the Robin McKinley books - I've read about half of them....

Read something in a genre I'm not accustomed to reading - I have read so far out of my normal comfort zone, I don't think I have a comfort zone anymore.  There's tons of stuff out there I'll read now!

Act on more book suggestions; at least four - I'm at a point right now where I have far too many books because of book suggestions!

Crafty Goals

Learn three new knitting things - Yup, I knit.  I knit a lot of stuff.  What'cha want me to knit??

Have a successful patio garden - I tried this and it failed miserably.  I'm going to be putting my patio stuff on Craigslist.

Make Presents.  Yeah, I bought presents.  Maybe in 2011!

Money Related Goals

Pay off Express Credit Card - DONE!!

Pay off Khols Credit Card - Will happen in 2011!!!!!

Okay, so there you are.  My 2010 goals.  Now what shall I accomplish in 2011??

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About Me

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Grew up traveling to rodeos with my parents. I've gone across the world thanks to my gypsie feet. I feel sometimes like I've done everything & nothing. I've played roller derby, traveled parts of the world, have four degrees. I've done some things most people will never do in their lives & still I want to do more. I want to work with orphans & teenagers again. I'm a Christian. I have a lot of tattoos. I like art therefore I want to be art. I love people. I started writing years ago when I was a kid. I think at the time it was an outlet for me; I found escape in my word & the worlds I created. Eventually I just started to like creating stuff & that's when I started sharing it with other people. Now I think I write every day. I want to do NaNoWrMo this year. I'm also learning how to knit. I think I'm on my way to being an eccentric old woman who runs around the world doing silly cazy things and knitting while she does them. Be on your guard I have knitting needles!

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